Saturday, July 26, 2014

Using Evernote to Help You In Your FBA Business

Everyday you make new choices that effect tomorrow. What are you going to do today to earn sales tomorrow?

It's a app.
It's amazing.

OMG! Where has this app been all of my life? I've been exploring this app recently, and let me tell you, slice bread has nothin' on Evernote! It's the coolest app ever!

What can it do to help you with your FBA business?

The number one thing it can do (and this is ridiculously exciting) is that you can snap a picture and make a note with that picture. Why is this so exciting?

Think about it. You're in Walmart, and so are all of the people of Walmart, and all of their children, and they're everywhere. You can edge your way into that section of cake mixes that you've dying to scan. People keep asking you to move. They reach over you, around you, through your legs (well, hopefully not through your legs). You begin to wonder why you're in this business, and surely there must be a better way.


A picture that is. Snap a picture of the section you want to scan. In fact, snap several. Then key in a note with the store name / location, and anything else you want to remind yourself.

Then go home and research to your heart's content in your underwear!

That's what you can do with Evernote!

But that's not all. You can create notebooks, then create notes within your notebooks. You can have notebooks for stores, categories, replenishables, BOLO's, and so much more! And you can have notebooks for home, work, and other online ventures. How awesome is that?

But that's not all! And this is the part that I'm totally pumped about - you can download Evernote onto your desktop and sync your notes with your phone! Think about it: you can type a list on your computer with all of the information you need for a quick referral for your replenishables, sync, then open it up on your phone when you're out sourcing.

I haven't even explored everything that Evernote can do for you as a seller, but what I've discovered so far is an absolute lifesaver.

Don't forget to save an Amazon category ranking's chart to your Evernote notes. (Members of The FBA Flip Side Facebook group can access their chart in the files. It's FREE. Oh, and so is Evernote -FREE that is.). Note: There is a premium Evernote subscription. I might bite in the future, but right now all of my spare pennies go into the sourcing jar.

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