Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sourcing at Walmart

Go ahead: Think big, source mightily, live freely. 

I was pulling into Walmart the other day when I had a sobering thought: I've been to Walmart more times since I began sourcing for FBA than I have in all of my years as a shopper. I was never a fan of Walmart -the crowds, the long lines at the cashier, and the general feel of the place. As a shopper, it's not high on my list, but as an FBA seller, Walmart is a goldmine.

Just make sure that you don't end up on "People of Walmart"!

A few notes about sourcing at Walmart:

  • If you have a reseller's certificate, you must register it with each individual Walmart.
  • Walmart prices matches other stores, but they do not price match between their own stores.
  • Different Walmart stores carries different merchandise. You may not find widget awesome at every Walmart.
  • Different Walmart stores prices may not be the same. Walmart A down the street may price widget awesome a dollar higher than Walmart B down the street in the other direction.
  • Each Walmart manager determines Walmart sales and clearance.
  • Walmart is not the lowest price on everything -not even close. But they are the lowest price on a lot of things -that's why you have to scan, scan, scan.
If you're new to sourcing, you might be thinking, "You mean I can go to Walmart and buy stuff, and send it to Amazon, and sell it for a profit? Seriously?" 

Yes. Seriously. I've done it.

It's hard to wrap your mind around it at first. It's rather brain boggling, and seems to good to be true, but it is better than good, and it is definitely true.

I haven't explored every section of Walmart, but I will tell you that groceries, baby (on clearance), and school supplies are ripe for the picking. Good toy deals are surprisingly hard to find. I did come across a one off at the Walmart to my left for $10, but guess the price point for the same item at the Walmart to my right? $29.99! Be care with Walmart clearance. If they have a lot of an item, then chances are, other Walmarts will have a lot as well, and other sellers will jump on the bandwagon. The next thing you know, your item is saturated by the time you get it to the fulfillment center. 

My suggestion is to pick a category that you know well (and isn't gated to you), and head down to your local Walmart and scan a section. If you'd prefer to avoid the pushy carts, then snap a few quick pictures, and go home and research on your computer (saves you time and aggravation). I have found that no matter what time it is -day or night, Walmart is packed with people (at least my local Walmarts are always packed). Go when it's the least crowded, so that you can do your thing without feeling bothered. 

One strategy for tackling Walmart is to check your weekly circulars, researching items online, then going and buying profitable items. Go in, get what you need, and get out quickly! I found a fantastic replenishable this way. Even at regular price the ROI is great. And that is the main thing that I like about sourcing Walmart -replens are in abundance. 

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