The only person who decides your success or failure is you.
Keep your jammies on.
You can trudge to the store and scan, or you can spend a few minutes taking a few discreet pictures at the store.
It's an FBA snapshot, and it's the best research tool to be found. It's on your phone. It's called a camera.
Quickly snap a few shots of a section of shelf space. Any section. Any product. Get close enough up so that you can get the prices on the shelf.
Now go home, and pull up your pics. Expand them to a larger size to see more detail.
Open up Amazon's website and start your research. Pull up the FBA calculator to figure out profit on potential wins.
Make a list. On your mark, get set, source!
Keep your jammies on.
You can trudge to the store and scan, or you can spend a few minutes taking a few discreet pictures at the store.
It's an FBA snapshot, and it's the best research tool to be found. It's on your phone. It's called a camera.
Quickly snap a few shots of a section of shelf space. Any section. Any product. Get close enough up so that you can get the prices on the shelf.
Now go home, and pull up your pics. Expand them to a larger size to see more detail.
Open up Amazon's website and start your research. Pull up the FBA calculator to figure out profit on potential wins.
Make a list. On your mark, get set, source!
I absolutely LOVE scouting this way. Quite frequently you'll hear people say, "Scan everything." But who can stand in one section of the store for over an hour doing just that? I love to pick a section of the store, pick a section of that section and then take a snapshot of every shelf. Takes maybe five minutes depending on the traffic on that aisle. (I always let patrons go past. If someone wants to look for something on the section I'm taking photos of I just walk away for a minute so they don't feel rushed while shopping). After that? You're done "scanning".
ReplyDeleteThen, after you get home and get the photos uploaded you can research to your hearts delight on YOUR time. Middle of the night? Have just a few minutes to sit? Times when you cannot feasibly be at the store.
Plus you are able to research more thoroughly. Rank? ROI? Cheaper somewhere on the net? Cheaper somewhere else in town? As an added bonus I have found things that did not come up in a scan but where still offered on Amazon. (I have NO idea why because the UPC codes are listed on the product page) The result? Low competition due to products being missed.
I absolutely love it and it's pretty much my favorite way to source.