Thursday, May 8, 2014


If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
-Milton Burle


BOLO means Be On the LookOut for fill in the blank with a hot product.

Is it a good idea to share a BOLO with others, or not?

This is a controversial topic, so let's discuss the pros and cons.

Pros of BOLO Sharing
  • If someone shares a BOLO with you, then you might be able to find the item and flip it.
  • Sharing is nice. At least that's what we're taught in kindergarten.
  • Some things are hard to find, so perhaps the person who shares can only find one or two, but you find ten -lucky you!
  • When you're just starting out, it's kind of nice to get some ideas of what sells on Amazon.
Cons of BOLO Sharing
  • If someone publicly shares a BOLO, then a thousand sellers might be able to find it, flood Amazon with it, and create a race to the bottom. As one of those sellers, your hot BOLO just went bust.
  • Sharing BOLOs also means sharing the buy box.
  • Some things are easy to find, so perhaps everyone will find it, including you, but...refer back to the first con.
  • If you found a great item, and you were the only seller, then would you really want a thousand other people to find out your secret? Probably not. And that is why most people won't share their BOLOs.
There are some groups who share BOLOs. And that's okay, but beware that there are many sellers who've reported buying BOLOs only to have price drop like a hot potato by the time the items are checked into the warehouse. 

This is a business with a great network of support groups. There's plenty of room for everyone, but in the end, we are still all competition, so don't expect other sellers to tell you specifically what they sell. And don't give your secrets away. Savor the exclusives because chances are another seller will eventually come along.

BOLO! (I'll share this...)
  • Be on the lookout for products that are not being sold on Amazon.
  • Be on the lookout for products that are out of stock with no signs of coming soon.
  • Be on the lookout for new, undiscovered products.
  • Be on the lookout for exclusive opportunities.
  • Be on the lookout for ideas for creative bundling.
  • Be on the lookout for products with no FBA sellers.
  • Be on the lookout for new opportunities to make multipacks.

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